80/20 Japanese Product List

Below is a complete list of 80/20 Japanese packages available for purchase.

You can use the "Add to cart" buttons on this page to purchase multiple packages in a single order, or to order with Premium Shipping.

Prices are in US dollars.

To learn more about 80/20 Japanese and what is included in each package, click here.

Premium Shipping

Add this to your cart alongside your chosen package(s) to receive premium shipping, where available. The applicable premium shipping rate will be calculated at checkout.


Includes Kana + Kanji Edition eBook and Romaji Edition eBook.


Or choose below to add a physical copy of 80/20 Japanese to the eBook:

Kana + Kanji Edition


Romaji Edition


Two Editions (one of each)


Self-Study Pack

Includes both editions of the eBook, plus the Audiobook, Audiobook Remix, Hiragana & Katakana Workbook, Exercises PDF, and Kanji Reference Guide.


Or choose below to add a physical copy of 80/20 Japanese to the Self-Study Pack:

Kana + Kanji Edition


Romaji Edition


Two Editions (one of each)


eBook + Anki Pack

Includes both editions of the eBook, plus the 80/20 Japanese Anki Pack.


Or choose below to add a physical copy of 80/20 Japanese to the eBook + Anki Pack:

Kana + Kanji Edition


Romaji Edition


Two Editions (one of each)


Self-Study + Anki Pack

Includes both editions of the eBook, plus the Audiobook, Audiobook Remix, Hiragana & Katakana Workbook, Exercises PDF, Kanji Reference Guide. and the 80/20 Japanese Anki Pack.


Or choose below to add a physical copy of 80/20 Japanese to the Self-Study + Anki Pack:

Kana + Kanji Edition


Romaji Edition


Two Editions (one of each)


Physical Book Only

Includes the physical book only, without the eBook or other digital material.

Kana + Kanji Edition


Romaji Edition


Original Packages

Audiobook Pack

Includes both editions of the eBook, the 80/20 Japanese Kanji Reference Guide, plus an audio recording (MP3) of the complete book.


The Complete Package

Includes both editions of the eBook, the audiobook, the 80/20 Japanese Kanji Reference Guide, plus a physical copy of the edition of your choice.

Choose one of the following for your physical copy of the book:

Kana + Kanji Edition


Romaji Edition


Two Editions (one of each)
